Services for Case Managers

Case managers may already know some of us through Children’s Neuro Physio, Aquaepps or Epps Consultancy. We have now come together under one roof with LHAPC to use their brand new state-of-the-art fully accessible hydrotherapy pool (designed by medico-legal and aquatic physiotherapy expert Dr Heather Epps), and their brand new purpose built clinic rooms and gym.

We have a team of skilled adult and paediatric musculoskeletal and neurophysiotherapists with extensive experience in aquatic physiotherapy, you can find out more about our team here. We use a range of techniques and approaches including normal developmental techniques, Bobath therapy, MAES therapy, SI, PNF on land and in water, therapeutic yoga, therapeutic pilates, taping and casting, numerous mobilising and strengthening techniques, physical management strategies, postural management, Aquaepps®, Watsu®, Aquastretch, Halliwick and advanced hydrotherapy techniques, to name but a few. See the full range of services we provide here.

Dystonic cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury, traumatic or acquired brain injury

Most of our clients have dystonic cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury or a traumatic or acquired brain injury. We do also see children and adults with other conditions, erbs palsy, stroke, neurological conditions, musculoskeletal often with multiple musculoskeletal and other injuries, particularly following RTA’s, and many others.

Many of our clients and families are supported by an MDT and case manager, mainly pre settlement, but in some cases our clients stay with us for many years. One of our directors has been a medico-legal expert for over 20 years and she directs our team to ensure their reports and documentation provide evidence and support for your clients’ case with respect to physiotherapy, aquatic physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, therapeutic physical activities, equipment and orthotics. With the appropriate consents we can also provide video footage to demonstrate your clients’ improvements over time or how they manage equipment that is being trialed.

We provide a specialist service for children with cerebral palsy aged under 5 as we know how important these early days are in releasing potential (Hanna 2009), and how quickly children with dystonia are inhibited in their progress if their muscle tone and involuntary movements are not addressed at an early age. We also provide intensive therapy blocks of daily land and pool treatment (usually in the school holidays, but we can be flexible).

We can integrate our approaches and physiotherapy with other professionals such as conductors, Occupational Therapists and Speech and Language Therapists when appropriate.

We are able to advise on equipment and orthotics if required and our large clinic space lends itself well to trialling equipment, such as walkers, trikes, and Innowalk, measuring for DMO suits or casting for orthotics etc.

We train support workers, carers and families on site, but also have specific training courses available. Find out more about our training for parents and carers.

We will provide an initial assessment and immediate needs report which will include recommendations for physiotherapy and aquatic physiotherapy treatment plans (if motivation is an issue, we may also provide both land and pool treatment in one session as the pool is always seen as fun). The report will also include recommendations for training for families, school or nursery staff (if required), support workers and carers. We may recommend working immediately with OT at this time if there are manual handling issues and therapeutic handling is required (for example if your client has dystonic spasms or involuntary movements). We will advice on equipment needs and orthotics. The report will cost all areas of the physiotherapy package including direct and indirect time.

The physiotherapy package may include, but is not exclusive to:

  • Initial assessment and recommendations
  • Client centred and family orientated joint goals and joined up working
  • Integration of therapeutic handling and exercise into day to day living, working with and alongside the client, families and the team
  • Individual and group land and pool-based physiotherapy treatment
  • Self-management groups with or without a physiotherapist present
  • Training for family and carers
  • Provision of bespoke physical and postural management, aquatic therapy and physical activities programmes and guidelines
  • Liaison with equipment reps, and orthotists
  • Trial and assist with the purchase of equipment we recommend
  • Liaise with MDT, nursery, school, college, care home or if appropriate place of work
  • Joint sessions as required with SALT and OT
  • Update reports to case manager and family in a timely manner
  • Liaison and attendance at appropriate clinics, equipment exhibitions etc.
  • Liaison with and support to other providers, i.e. RDA, rebound, P.E. teacher, gym or fitness instructors or sports therapists

As well as the above services for case managers, discover more about our Clinic facilities and the Services we offer.