We offer a range of training opportunities for parents and other family members, carers and support staff, teachers and educational staff, physiotherapists and other health care professionals.
Dr Heather Epps has been teaching aquatic physiotherapy/hydrotherapy to all the above groups since 1996 when she developed the first ever 5 day intensive course for paediatric physiotherapists at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital. Heather has since lectured and taught on the subject for adults and children in America and throughout Europe. She runs inset days and practical seminars for special schools and care homes, and also teaches foundation principles for children and adults with musculoskeletal (chronic pain, joint and muscle) complaints.
Heather has released training DVD’s for both adults with musculoskeletal complaints and children with special needs. She is an accredited ATACP (Aquatic Therapy Association of Chartered Physiotherapists) tutor and sits on their education committee as well as the National Coordinating Committee for Swimming for People with Disabilities. Heather no longer travels outside of the UK to teach, but will be supporting LHAP in providing training to our clients. Heather and her team will also run her renowned Aquaepps® courses from our facilities.
Our team have attended post graduate postural management courses including but not limited to Goldsmiths, Chailey, and Oxford. They have significant experience in this field and also work closely with our orthotists. We have a range of experience and post graduate training in a range of movement approaches. We believe there are many strings to a bow and our training is bespoke to address the individual needs of our clients.
Our training can be streamed live, face to face, with or without your client, child or young person. We can devise bespoke programmes to meet all of your team, you and your family’s needs.
When training is complete, we will provide you with a certificate of attendance which will be bespoke to your training and a signed competencies matrix record of techniques you have demonstrated to us. If training is with your baby, child, adult, client or service user you will be provided with a programme for them to follow at home.
AquaEpps® for Children and Young People with Neurological Dysfunction course
LHAP has recently hosted several Aquatic Physiotherapy courses, run by Dr Heather Epps, including the AquaEpps® for Children and Young People with...