Physiotherapy & Aquatherapy / Hydrotherapy Services
At LHAP we have a team of experienced paediatric and neuropaediatric physiotherapists, aquatic physiotherapists and aquatic therapists. We use a range of techniques and approaches including normal development techniques, Bobath therapy, MAES therapy, SI, PNF on land and in water, therapeutic yoga, therapeutic pilates, taping and casting, numerous mobilising and strengthening techniques, physical management strategies, Aquaepps®, Watsu®, Aquastretch, Halliwick and advanced hydrotherapy techniques.
We can integrate our approaches and physiotherapy with other professionals such as conductors, Occupational Therapists and Speech and Language Therapists when appropriate.
We are able to advise on equipment and orthotics of required and our large hydrotherapy clinic space lends itself well to trialling equipment.
Babies learn and develop by exploring their environment, their bodies, by touch, smell, sounds, what they see, adult and other baby and child interactions and play. We don’t just look at your child’s development and milestones, but how they achieve these stages, how they move, the quality of their movement and whether stages and movements have been missed. We can advise how to move your baby onto the next stage of their development, or if they already have a diagnosis or you are unsure, we can provide treatment and advice to address their current difficulties.
Children’s bones, muscles and soft tissues are developing and growing. They have different exercise and physiological responses to adults and post pubescent teenagers. Our treatments are designed so they are fun, involve the whole family and are bespoke to your child’s needs (link to for children section). We also offer a range of training opportunities for parents and other family members, carers and support staff, teachers and educational staff, and other health care professionals.
Teenagers can reject all therapies as they move through the emotional turmoil of adolescence and keeping them motivated can be challenging. Some young people may have conditions that lead to them losing skills, fatiguing more easily and developing pain and stiffness, especially after growth spurts. If they use equipment or orthotics these can quickly become too small and need recasting or adapting. Transitioning to secondary school or college also brings changes. Despite this being a time of physiological and bodily change NHS physiotherapy provision is often reduced and they may need even more therapeutic support.
Wherever possible we will try and empower teenagers to take control of, and manage their own condition, as is realistically feasible. This is a time where a strong bond and trust with your physiotherapist is essential. Group sessions with other teens is an approach that often helps those who are finding their physiotherapy difficult, and therapeutic pilates and hydrotherapy/aquaerobics tend to be quite popular.
We provide initial assessments and individual or self management sessions of aquatic physiotherapy/hydrotherapy for adults with a whole range of musculoskeletal, rheumatological, neurological, physiological, acute and chronic injuries and conditions. We hold specific groups and classes in the pool, such as aqua and post natal, aquaerobics and fitness, hip and knee classes (very popular with our golfing community and those who have had, or are waiting for joint replacements), back pain, general body workout and conditioning. We will update this site as other specific groups are set up. If you do not see a class that meets your needs please contact us.
Whether you want gym, land or pool treatment you need an initial assessment. This is in line with Health Professionals Care and Practice and Chartered Society of Physiotherapy standards. We need to analyse the cause of your symptoms even if you don’t yet have a diagnosis, and the best way to help you to overcome or manage them. We can then agree a treatment plan, expected outcomes of treatment or rehabilitation, and how to progress treatment. You may want us to devise an exercise programme for you to continue at home, or to demonstrate exercises in the pool so you can join a self-management group.
If you are joining a self-management group, or hiring the pool with friends, colleagues or other families you still need an initial land based screening and discussion with the physiotherapist, an induction to the pool including health and safety, fire and emergency evacuation and infection control procedures, and 10 – 15 minutes in the pool with the aquatic therapist to ensure your safety getting in and out of the pool, to assess the activities you plan to undertake in the pool, and give therapeutic advice as necessary.
Individual Treatments
After your initial assessment you can choose an individual physiotherapy treatment session in our gym and clinic, or with an aquatic physiotherapist in our hydrotherapy pool. Session times vary depending on your condition and the treatment you require.
Alternatively, you may prefer to see our hydrotherapist/aquatic therapist or a physiotherapy assistant practitioner who is trained, and under the supervision of our physiotherapist. This can be a more cost-effective approach if you have a programme of exercises, handling or techniques that help you to maintain your condition.
Please note that you will not have exclusive use of our facilities unless you or a group of which you are a member hire them. Paediatric and adult sessions are scheduled at different times.
Group Treatments and Classes
We provide a range of group treatments and classes with a variety of options to suit your needs.
- If you would like to have a session with a friend or colleague with a similar complaint you can share the cost of the physiotherapist between you.
- You can join other pool or gym users and follow your own exercises programme that was devised for you in our group session with our physiotherapist at hand to advise and help.
- You can join other pool or gym users and follow your own exercises programme that was devised for you by your physiotherapist in our self-management group, there is no physiotherapist in this class.
- We hold specific groups and classes in the pool, such as aqua and post natal, aquaerobics and fitness, hip and knee classes (very popular with our golfing community and those who have had, or are waiting for joint replacements), back pain, general body workout and conditioning, neurological and PMLD children and adult groups.
- We hold specific groups and classes in our large gym including child and baby development, baby massage, therapeutic pilates and yoga, hypermobility classes, fitness and conditioning and rehabilitation groups.
- It is also possible to hire our facilities and set up your own group.
- We will update this site as other specific groups are set up. If you do not see a class that meets your needs please contact us.
You can block book regular physiotherapy land based and aquatic physiotherapy sessions one month in advance. Rehabilitation is often required following injury, surgery, a new diagnosis or a deterioration in your condition.
Expected and realistic goals and outcomes will be discussed at your initial assessment. If appropriate we can video or take measurements before and at the end of your rehabilitation so you can see the progress you have made.
We have some specific group rehabilitation blocks. These are currently for children and teenagers, but if there is a demonstrable need for adult group rehabilitation blocks, we will expand our service to meet your needs.
We can provide a range of clinical reports. These include reports for medical professionals, solicitors, case managers, your NHS physiotherapist, private insurer, employer, college, school or nursery.
We can provide evidence based clinical reports with measured outcomes before and after intensive blocks of rehabilitation (both aquatic physiotherapy/hydrotherapy and land-based physiotherapy) to support your case. If you require a medico-legal report then your solicitor will need to instruct the physiotherapist directly, but if we are your treating physiotherapist it is better to use another company because this would be considered a conflict of interest. We can provide reports of your progress to the independent company to help your case.
We can provide reports for tribunals and Education and Health Care Plans. These are undertaken by our expert witnesses at our sister company Children’s Neuro Physio.
Healthcare Insurance
We are not currently registered with any insurance company. If you are seeking to fund your therapy with us via an insurance policy, please contact your insurance company first.
We see many clients who fund their therapy via their policy. The client pays us directly and then claim back on their policy – but we recommend that you check with your insurer that they are prepared to do this before commencing any treatment with us.
We speak with all of the major insurers and provide them with all required documentation and clinician information that they require.
Please note you are responsible for any fees not covered by your insurer.
We can provide reports for tribunals and Education and Health Care Plans. These are undertaken by our expert witnesses at our sister company Children’s Neuro Physio.